Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
Project: Specialist Expertise in Flooding, SUDS Drainage and Surface Water Management.
We have specialised expertise relating to flooding, development SUDS drainage and surface water management on both a catchment and development site area basis, developed over many years, initially through our involvement in establishing the SUDS design criteria for the 4.5 km2 Dunfermline Eastern Expansion Area project and subsequently providing a checking and auditing role for the submission of development flood risk assessments and SUDS drainage proposals related to Planning and Road Construction Consent applications for a number of local authorities. Technical information on SUDS drainage methods and their design and sizing were provided for a series of published CIRIA SUDS manuals. Hydraulic modelling, i.e. FEH, FSR, HEC-RAS & STORM, have been used to prepare flood studies and flood risk assessments associated with the design, construction and supervision of Flood Prevention Schemes and regeneration projects for Falkirk, Fife and West Lothian Councils as well as new build developments.