Tanzania & Zanzibar
The company has undertaken several projects in Zanzibar and Tanzania. The projects include:
Project: Kilimanjaro International Airport, Tanzania
Client: BAM International bv
Provision of Consultancy Services on a Design and Construct project. Works include Terminal extension and refurbishment, taxiway extension and AGL improvements. Current Project
Project: Mtwara Airport, Tanzania
Client: DB Shapriya
Carry out an investigation and study into potential upgrading of the existing airport to Category 4E
Project: Julius Nyerere International Airport Institutionalization
Client: Tanzania Airport Authority
Consultancy Services for Carrying Out Institutionalization of Maintenance and Environment within the Organization of Julius Nyerere International Airport and Tanzania Airports Authority Head Office. To establish an Airport Maintenance and environmental Unit with Julius Nyerere International Airport and incorporate Maintenance, Health, Safety and environmental Management System within the airport organization structure in line with ISO 14001. Services provided to carry out in depth surveys of existing personnel, activities and facilities, identify, select and engage relevant human resources, provide guidance in the establishment and structure of the Department, develop complete career paths and establish drivers for each position. Oversee implementation, engage in forward planning, develop procedures, define responsibilities and investigate non-conformance/compliance, set up record procedures and system audits. Project Value: £493K. Current project.
Project: Zanzibar Airport New International Terminal Building II
Client: Ministry of Communications and Transport
Design Review on the Design and Building Contractor’s proposed new International Terminal Building of approximately 15,000 sq m in area to accommodate 2 million pax per annum. Complete 2011: US$ 75m
Project: Zanzibar Airport Rehabilitation and Expansion of Runway
Client: Ministry of Communications and Transport (World Bank Funded)
Study, design and supervision of the extension and rehabilitation, strengthening and overlay of the existing 2462 metre long runway including:
- Upgrading of the existing surface water drainage system to the airside pavements
- Refurbishment and extension of existing Aeronautical Ground Lighting System complete with associated cabling, ducting and upgrading the CCR’s within the sub-stations
- Other electrical works including the relocation of PAPI units and provision of SCADA System
- Extension of runway 560 metres long x 45 metres wide
- Reconstruction of the existing runway and overlaying with Marshall Asphalt surfacing
- Construction of new perimeter access road
- Construction of new hard shoulders for the fully extended runway
Investigations included Heavy Falling Weight Deflectometer and radar ground surveys to establish existing runway condition. Project Value $40m. Current project.
Project: Zanzibar Airport Extension and Rehabilitation of the Existing Apron and Taxiways
The undertaking of an air traffic forecast, detailed engineering design, environmental impact assessment, cost benefit analysis and production of tender documentation for the rehabilitation and extension of the existing apron and taxiways including the extension of the surface water drainage system and provision of additional aeronautical ground lighting and signage.
Project Estimate: US$ 50 million: Current Project
Project: Seven Regional Airports, Tanzania
Client: Tanzania Airports Authority
Carry out a feasibility study and detailed engineering design for the rehabilitation and upgrading of seven regional airports at Arusha, Bukoba, Kigoma, Tabora, Mafia Island, Shinyanga and Sumbawanga. The scope of works at each airport involves the upgrading of runways and associated pavements and drainage, terminal buildings, Air Traffic Control Towers, navigation aids, and AGL systems, all to ICAO standards. In addition the economic, environmental and social impacts of the improvements have been addressed. Topographical and geotechnical investigations were made and a Master Plan based upon the Inception Report was prepared. Detailed design and tender documentation is complete. Project Estimate US$200 million. Current project.
Project: Re-Scoping of Tabora and Kigoma Airports
Client: Tanzania Airports Authority
Following the completion of the Detailed Design and Tender Documentation for Kigoma and Tabora Airports in August 2009 and the obtaining of necessary funding for the airside pavements re-scoping, the proposed works to comprise only the rehabilitation of the existing main runway pavements, installation of new surface water drainage systems and environmental works all in accordance with ICAIO requirements. For each airport revised Tender documents comprising Conditions of Contract, specification, Bills of Quantities and drawings were produced together with updated Detailed Engineering Report, Hydraulic Report, Financial & Economic Cost Benefit Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment. Estimated Contract Values: Kigoma: US $ 20.5m; Tabora: US $ 17.8m. Completed 2010.
Project: Rehabilitation of Mpanda Airport
Client: Tanzania Airports Authority
Carry out a feasibility study, detailed engineering design and production of tender documents for the rehabilitation and upgrading of Mpanda Airport. The scope of works involved the upgrading and extension of the existing runway and associated taxiway and apron, provision of ne surface water drainage system, new perimeter fencing and the diversion and upgrading of the airport access. In addition the economic, environmental and social impacts of the improvements have been addressed. Topographical and geotechnical investigations were made and a outline Master Plan developed. Detailed design and tender documentation is complete.
Estimated Contract Value: US $ 20 million
Project: Dar es Salaam Airport Runway Overlay
Client: Tanzania Airports Authority
Design of overlay to main and cross runway, and taxiway areas, refurbishment of AGL and drainage systems
Project: New Runway at Songwe Airport
Client: Tanzania Aviation Authority
Appointed to undertake design of a new runway at the proposed Songwe Airport. Activities included topographical survey, full runway and pavement design. 2004-2005.