Project: Multi Agency Specialist Hubs at Ashford, Thanet & Swale & Special Needs School
Client: Kent County Council
Location: Ashford, Kent
Provision of mechanical and electrical services and sustainable solutions. Design of mechanical services for: Heating, ventilation, domestic water services and local cooling. Design of electrical services for small power, lighting, data, fire alarms, security, CCTV and lifts. The design promoted sustainability – Low and zero carbon technologies including the use of: Biomass heating boilers, ground source heating, solar panels and an efficient heating control system with local thermostatic control and building control system. High efficiency lighting with PhotoCell and occupancy lighting controls.
The project involved developing principles for an Energy Strategy to:
Project: Manor Green Primary School
Location: Maidenhead
Client: Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead
The building features sustainable timber cladding and canopies, a green roof, biomass boilers and a CHP unit and met BREEAM ‘very good’ environmental standard.
Project: Honor Oak Park Station / Camberwell New Cemetery
Location: London
Client: London Borough of Southwark
Civil engineering advice and design and visiting site supervision for the removal of 24,000 cubic metres of illegally tipped waste material, locally overgrown with Japanese Knotweed, adjacent to Camberwell New Cemetery, and regrading of the upper part of the cutting slope above Honor Oak Park Station to enhance its stability. Waste material was sorted and recycled where possible.
Project: Churchill Hospital PFI
Location: Oxford
Client: Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust
Civil and structural engineering technical advice for substantially new build PFI development to includes geratology, radiology, oncology and haematology and a private patients unit. A winner of a CIBSE Low Carbon Performance Award, the building features what is believed to be the largest geothermal heating and cooling array in Europe and is designed to use 35% less energy than a conventional acute hospital.
Project: Stead Primary Care Hospital and Redcar Health Centre PFI
Location: Redcar
Client: Redcar & Cleveland PCT and RSRM (Redcar & Cleveland) Ltd
Independent monitoring of design development and construction, witnessing of commissioning and independent certification of contractual compliance for primary care centre and health centre including theatres and endoscopy.The building includes a CHP system heating a hydrotherapy pool.
Project: Thames Innovation Centre
Client: Bexley Council
Location: Kent
Client Agent services for design and build contract for new Innovation Centre to provide business premises and support for technology based businesses. A winner of the Green Agenda environmental award, this project included sustainable timber cladding, solar panels, daylight sensitive lighting and a wildlife zone planted with wild flowers and grasses.
Project: Structural and Civil Engineering Services Framework (selection of projects)
Location: Southend
Client: Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Education Centre: Feasibility study and civil and structural engineering (including traffic/swept path analysis) and drainage engineering for education. The buildings energy efficient design uses exposed thermal mass to provide cooling.
Spiritual Support Facility: Feasibility study and structural engineering for vertical extension to existing building to form new chapel and faith room. An innovative design featuring cold formed steel sections provided a very lightweight structural solution.
Project: St Lucia New National Hospital
Client: Government of Saint Lucia – Ministry of Health represented by the Office of National Authorising Officer/EDF
Location: St Lucia
Use of bris soleil to prevent over heating from direct sunlight and optimises the flow of heat and light energy to cool buildings in summer and insulate them in winter. Environmental impact and running costs are dramatically reduced.
Sir Frederick Snow and Partners commitment to sustainability of the natural environment is addressed across several projects and services including;